
Customer Testimonials

Our clients, past and present, trust JellyFish for speed, accuracy, and DSO coaching. We are not just a report builder, rather a skillful, experienced voice behind the numbers.

JellyFish has truly revolutionized our reporting functions from Dentrix! His expertise in writing custom reports that are updatable in real time from our active database is remarkable. As an FQHC we have a lot of burdensome reporting requirements and JellyFish’s work has made that far less so…Bottom line is that Jellyfish has made my life as CFO of a mid-sized Dental practice so much nicer.

Matthew Gehri, Chief Financial Officer at Partnership Community Health Center

JellyFish has been a great partner for our business. His knowledge and insights into the dental industry, and his ability to turn those insights into relevant data and analysis, has been invaluable. Neal is always available to take our calls and seek solutions to the issues and questions that we raise about our business.

Andy Colmone, Principal at Access Holdings

We have been working with JellyFish for a number of years now and the reports they have helped us develop have truly enabled us to run our practice more efficiently. Their knowledge and understanding of how to “get the numbers we need” out of our dental software is amazing!

Tara Ayers, Practice Administrator at Weaver, Reckner & Reinhart Dental Associates

JellyFish provides their clients with solid metrics to help generate strength to any business with a results changing objective. They have mastered the art of communication and deliver an abundance of opportunity to every client.

Nicole Grande, Performance Coach – Data Analyst